تَشَرَّفْنَا فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة meaning - Arabic language Basics Phrasebook

How to say Nice to meet you / pleased to meet you in Arabic language, study the correct pronunciation and look for the words analysis.

تَشَرَّفْنَا فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة means Nice to meet you / pleased to meet you in Arabic language

فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة with a background associated to Arabic language.

The image represents the concept of تَشَرَّفْنَا فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة with a background associated to Arabic language.
Listen to the pronunciation of تَشَرَّفْنَا فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة in Arabic:

Literal translation

Translating each word from Arabic to English the meaning is:

تَشَرَّفْنَا فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة

(they were) honored happy occasion

Word tree

تَشَرَّفْنَا \ فُرْصَة سَعِيدَة
 happy occasion                (they were) honored
V تَشَرَّفَ                     فَرَصَ      سَعِيد adj
happy   to slit ES:fisurar    to be honored
II شَرَّفَ                                          سَعِدَ
to be happy                       to make noble, to honor
I شَرُفَ
to be noble