How to say good morning in Arabic language, study the correct pronunciation and look for the words analysis.
صَبَاح الْخَيْر means good morning in Arabic language
Translating each word from Arabic to English the meaning is:
صَبَاح الْخَيْر
morning the-good
صَبَاح الْخَيْر
-ANSWER: صَبَاح النُور والسرور morning light and-happiness - ANSWER full: Buenos dias, felicidad, bondad y bendiciones -- صباح النور والسرور والخيرات والبركات -- Good morning, happiness, bounties and blessings Answer alternatives (They're a little "baladi" (i.e. used more by the rural and lower classes), but you can still use them to add some color to your speech.) - صباح القشطة (SabāH il-'išTa - lit. morning of cream), - صباح الفل (SabāH il-full - lit. morning of jasmine), - صباح الورد (SabāH il-ward - lit. morning of rose).