How to say How are you? (formal) in Arabic language, study the correct pronunciation and look for the words analysis.
كَيْفَ حَالُكَ؟ كيف هي حياتك؟ كيف حال عائلتك؟ means How are you? (formal) in Arabic language
Translating each word from Arabic to English the meaning is:
كَيْفَ حَالُكَ؟ كيف هي حياتك؟ كيف حال عائلتك؟
How are you? How's your life? How's your family?
كَيْفَ حَالُكَ؟ كَيْفَ حَالُ+كَ yours-condition how كيف هي حياتك؟ How it life-yours حَيَاة toLive كيف حال عائلتك؟ How condition faimily-yours عَائِلَة+ك family
- Adverb كَيْفَ • (kayfa) (interrogative) how - Noun حَال • (ḥāl) m or f (plural أَحْوَال (ʾaḥwāl)) condition, matter - Noun حَيَاة • (ḥayāh) f life. verbal noun of حَيِيَ (ḥayiya) (form I)