عَشَاء (noun) تَعَشَّى (verb) meaning - Arabic language Eat Phrasebook

How to say Dinner in Arabic language, study the correct pronunciation and look for the words analysis.

عَشَاء (noun) تَعَشَّى (verb) means Dinner in Arabic language

Listen to the pronunciation of عَشَاء (noun) تَعَشَّى (verb) in Arabic:

Literal translation

Translating each word from Arabic to English the meaning is:

عَشَاء (noun) تَعَشَّى (verb)

عَشَاء dinner عَشِيَّة evening


- Noun عَشِيَّة • (ʿašiyya) f (plural عَشَايَا‎ (ʿašāyā) or عَشِيَّات‎ (ʿašiyyāt)) evening