很高興見到您, 很高兴见到您 (hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín), 認識您,我真高興, 认识您,我真高兴 (rènshi nín, wǒ zhēn gāoxìng), 幸會 (zh), 幸会 (zh) (xìnghuì) meaning - Chinese language Basics Phrasebook

How to say Nice to meet you / pleased to meet you in Chinese language, study the correct pronunciation and look for the words analysis.

很高興見到您, 很高兴见到您 (hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín), 認識您,我真高興, 认识您,我真高兴 (rènshi nín, wǒ zhēn gāoxìng), 幸會 (zh), 幸会 (zh) (xìnghuì) means Nice to meet you / pleased to meet you in Chinese language

很高興見到您, 很高兴见到您 (hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín), 認識您,我真高興, 认识您,我真高兴 (rènshi nín, wǒ zhēn gāoxìng), 幸會 (zh), 幸会 (zh) (xìnghuì) with a background associated to Chinese language.

The image represents the concept of 很高興見到您, 很高兴见到您 (hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín), 認識您,我真高興, 认识您,我真高兴 (rènshi nín, wǒ zhēn gāoxìng), 幸會 (zh), 幸会 (zh) (xìnghuì) with a background associated to Chinese language.
Listen to the pronunciation of 很高興見到您, 很高兴见到您 (hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín), 認識您,我真高興, 认识您,我真高兴 (rènshi nín, wǒ zhēn gāoxìng), 幸會 (zh), 幸会 (zh) (xìnghuì) in Chinese: